AIM 澳洲管理协会负责评估的经理类职业:
• 首席执行官或常务董事 Chief Executive or Managing Director [111111]
• 公司总经理 Corporate General Manager [111211]
• 销售和营销经理 Sales and Marketing Manager [131112]
• 广告经理 Advertising Manager [131113]
• 人力资源经理 Human Resource Manager [132311]
• 工程部经理 Engineering Manager [133211]
• 供应及分销经理 Supply and Distribution Manager [133611]
AIM 澳洲管理协会管理职业评估条件
AIM 只负责高级管理职位的评估,对学历、雅思无要求,最核心的是需要有高级管理经验(即使是企业管理相关专业毕业,没有管理经验无法申请AIM评估)。申请人不能同时申请2个以上职业,FLYabroad 提醒申请人递交申请一定要注意选择自己最合适的职业去评估。FLYabroad 注:AIM 会员移民的话也需要单独评估。
111111 首席执行官或常务董事 Chief Executive or Managing Director 职业评估标准:
• 具有或曾有至少连续三年的高层管理经验; Have, or have held, a proven record of top management experience over a continuous period of at least three years
• 在任命为CEO/常务董事之前,有担任公司总经理或同等职位的高级管理经验; Have proven and successful experience in a top management position at the level of Corporate General Manager or equivalent prior to being appointed to the position of CEO/Managing Director
• 企业所有者;或直接向企业董事会汇报;直接汇报给国家部长或国务卿,如果申请人在公共部门工作;或担任高级管理顾问,为董事会级别的公司客户提供建议; Be the owner of the business; or/ report directly to the Board of Directors of the business; or/ report directly to the relevant Minister/Secretary of State if the applicant works in the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing advice to client organisations at Board level
• 按董事会的规定,全面负责公司政策与策略目标的执行;Be wholly responsible for implementing the organisation’s policy and strategic objectives as defined by the Board
• 负责主要资产合并、收购或销售的相关协商、策划与指导洽谈;Be responsible for negotiating, planning and directing negotiations related to mergers, acquisitions or the sale of major assets
• 负责规划并执行企业财政预算以实现董事会的任务与目标; Be responsible for designing and developing the organisation’s financial budgets to achieve Board priorities and objectives
• 设计公司的管理结构以实现董事会的战略目标与宗旨; Ensure that the management organisation structure is designed to achieve the Board’s strategic aims and objectives
• 具备为向最高级运营经理分配职责的决策权,并具备评估以下所提及的公司总经理的资格。Have the decision making authority to delegate responsibility to the most senior operational manager who would be eligible for assessment as Corporate General Manager under the criteria outlined below
111211 公司总经理 Corporate General Manager :
• 具有或曾有至少连续三年的高层管理经验的证明记录; Have, or have held, a proven record of top management experience over a continuous period of at least three years.
• 在任命为公司总经理之前,具备公司某一职能部门的管理经验; Have proven and successful experience in a functional area of management prior to being appointed to the position of Corporate General Manager
• 目前担任公司最高级的日常运营职位;Currently hold the most senior day-to-day operational position within the organization
• 直接向CEO、常务董事、董事会或企业所有者报告;如果申请者在公共部门工作,或直接报告给部门领导;或担任高级管理顾问,为公司CEO、常务董事或董事会级别的客户提供咨询建议; Report directly to the CEO, Managing Director, Board of Directors or owner of the business; or/ report directly to the Head of Department if the applicant works in the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at CEO, Managing Director or Board level.
• 具备委派权力来管理与实现该企业的财政预算与产出;Have delegated authority for managing and achieving the organisation’s financial budgets and outcomes
• 对大部分职能具有决策权,并授权与下属经理,该类经理具备评估为高级职能经理的资格,如下:Have the decision making authority over a wide range of responsibilities through delegation to several subordinate managers who would be eligible for assessment as a senior functional manager under the criteria outlined below
• 销售与营销经理 Sales and Marketing Manager [131112],
• 广告经理 Advertising Manager [131113],
• 人力资源经理 Human Resource Manager [132311],
• 工程经理 Engineering Manager [133211], and
• 供给与分配经理 Supply and Distribution Manager [133611]
具有连续三年的高级职能管理经验的可证明记录,该管理职位将权利下放至下属经理,并由下属经理分配工作给下属的监督,技术,技能职位人员;(A proven record in a senior functional management position over a continuous period of at least three (3) years, requiring the delegation of authority directly to several other managers who themselves hold positions requiring the delegation of work to several other subordinates in supervisory, technical or skilled positions.)
要满足职能经理(functional manager)的移民评估要求,申请者必须 :
• 在履行其职责的职能范围内,担任最高的管理职位; Hold the most senior management position within the applicant’s functional area of responsibility
• 直接向企业所有者、总经理或CEO/常务董事汇报;如果申请者在公共部门工作,则直接向该部门的领导汇报;或担任高级管理顾问,向公司总经理及以上职位的客户提供咨询建议; Report directly to the owner of the business, Corporate General Manager or CEO/Managing Director; or/ report directly to the Department Head if the applicant works within the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at the level of Corporate General Manager or above
• 对行使行政,财务,数据采集及公共关系的下属经理实行职能权力下放,并具有最终决策权; Have the final decision making responsibility through the delegation of functional authority to several subordinate managers in a range of broader responsibilities such as administration, finance, data gathering and public relations
• 全面履行在该企业内的职能责任; Be wholly responsible for achieving his/her functional responsibilities within the organization
• 在成为最高职能经理前,具备多方面的管理经验。 Have had a proven and successful experience in a broad range of managerial responsibilities prior to being appointed to the top functional position
AIM 的评估基于对整个职业生涯的审核,但会侧重于过去三年的经历,而每个岗位体现出一个持续的管理职责和权限的加大,会有利于评估通过。
AIM 评估周期:
AIM 评估周期一般为四周(4 weeks);上诉周期:八周;评估函有效期两年。评估结果2年内可以出具电子版副本。
AIM 评估费用:
AIM 的评估费 $450 澳币,上诉费 $600 澳币。可以通过信用卡或 bank draft 支付。
AIM 要求的材料清单(过去五年内):
1. 详细的职责描述:经上司证实,公司印章,签字
2. 直接下属的简单职责描述:经上司证实,公司印章,签字
3. 公司组织结构图:经上司证实,公司印章,签字
4. 考试及格证书副本 –中学后
5. 任命书,升迁书,工资单,公司报告等
6. 如果提供公司自成立以来的收入情况和员工水平的话,文件须含董事,股东签名注册,公司注册证及其他相关证明。
递交 AIM 评估机构的申请资料都不会退回给申请人,所以递交申请时不要递交只能出具一份的原件,例如学历证书原件!
1. 简历不代表雇主证明您从事过相关职位
2. 请不要递交于管理经验无关的证书
3. 所有非英文材料都要递交原件和翻译件
4. 上诉申请费用:AUD800
5. AIM不要求 English Language Test Results
6. 管理职业工作经历很重要
AIM 澳洲管理协会负责评估的经理类职业:
• 首席执行官或常务董事 Chief Executive or Managing Director [111111]
• 公司总经理 Corporate General Manager [111211]
• 销售和营销经理 Sales and Marketing Manager [131112]
• 广告经理 Advertising Manager [131113]
• 人力资源经理 Human Resource Manager [132311]
• 工程部经理 Engineering Manager [133211]
• 供应及分销经理 Supply and Distribution Manager [133611]
AIM 澳洲管理协会管理职业评估条件
AIM 只负责高级管理职位的评估,对学历、雅思无要求,最核心的是需要有高级管理经验(即使是企业管理相关专业毕业,没有管理经验无法申请AIM评估)。申请人不能同时申请2个以上职业,FLYabroad 提醒申请人递交申请一定要注意选择自己最合适的职业去评估。FLYabroad 注:AIM 会员移民的话也需要单独评估。
111111 首席执行官或常务董事 Chief Executive or Managing Director 职业评估标准:
• 具有或曾有至少连续三年的高层管理经验; Have, or have held, a proven record of top management experience over a continuous period of at least three years
• 在任命为CEO/常务董事之前,有担任公司总经理或同等职位的高级管理经验; Have proven and successful experience in a top management position at the level of Corporate General Manager or equivalent prior to being appointed to the position of CEO/Managing Director
• 企业所有者;或直接向企业董事会汇报;直接汇报给国家部长或国务卿,如果申请人在公共部门工作;或担任高级管理顾问,为董事会级别的公司客户提供建议; Be the owner of the business; or/ report directly to the Board of Directors of the business; or/ report directly to the relevant Minister/Secretary of State if the applicant works in the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing advice to client organisations at Board level
• 按董事会的规定,全面负责公司政策与策略目标的执行;Be wholly responsible for implementing the organisation’s policy and strategic objectives as defined by the Board
• 负责主要资产合并、收购或销售的相关协商、策划与指导洽谈;Be responsible for negotiating, planning and directing negotiations related to mergers, acquisitions or the sale of major assets
• 负责规划并执行企业财政预算以实现董事会的任务与目标; Be responsible for designing and developing the organisation’s financial budgets to achieve Board priorities and objectives
• 设计公司的管理结构以实现董事会的战略目标与宗旨; Ensure that the management organisation structure is designed to achieve the Board’s strategic aims and objectives
• 具备为向最高级运营经理分配职责的决策权,并具备评估以下所提及的公司总经理的资格。Have the decision making authority to delegate responsibility to the most senior operational manager who would be eligible for assessment as Corporate General Manager under the criteria outlined below
111211 公司总经理 Corporate General Manager :
• 具有或曾有至少连续三年的高层管理经验的证明记录; Have, or have held, a proven record of top management experience over a continuous period of at least three years.
• 在任命为公司总经理之前,具备公司某一职能部门的管理经验; Have proven and successful experience in a functional area of management prior to being appointed to the position of Corporate General Manager
• 目前担任公司最高级的日常运营职位;Currently hold the most senior day-to-day operational position within the organization
• 直接向CEO、常务董事、董事会或企业所有者报告;如果申请者在公共部门工作,或直接报告给部门领导;或担任高级管理顾问,为公司CEO、常务董事或董事会级别的客户提供咨询建议; Report directly to the CEO, Managing Director, Board of Directors or owner of the business; or/ report directly to the Head of Department if the applicant works in the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at CEO, Managing Director or Board level.
• 具备委派权力来管理与实现该企业的财政预算与产出;Have delegated authority for managing and achieving the organisation’s financial budgets and outcomes
• 对大部分职能具有决策权,并授权与下属经理,该类经理具备评估为高级职能经理的资格,如下:Have the decision making authority over a wide range of responsibilities through delegation to several subordinate managers who would be eligible for assessment as a senior functional manager under the criteria outlined below
• 销售与营销经理 Sales and Marketing Manager [131112],
• 广告经理 Advertising Manager [131113],
• 人力资源经理 Human Resource Manager [132311],
• 工程经理 Engineering Manager [133211], and
• 供给与分配经理 Supply and Distribution Manager [133611]
具有连续三年的高级职能管理经验的可证明记录,该管理职位将权利下放至下属经理,并由下属经理分配工作给下属的监督,技术,技能职位人员;(A proven record in a senior functional management position over a continuous period of at least three (3) years, requiring the delegation of authority directly to several other managers who themselves hold positions requiring the delegation of work to several other subordinates in supervisory, technical or skilled positions.)
要满足职能经理(functional manager)的移民评估要求,申请者必须 :
• 在履行其职责的职能范围内,担任最高的管理职位; Hold the most senior management position within the applicant’s functional area of responsibility
• 直接向企业所有者、总经理或CEO/常务董事汇报;如果申请者在公共部门工作,则直接向该部门的领导汇报;或担任高级管理顾问,向公司总经理及以上职位的客户提供咨询建议; Report directly to the owner of the business, Corporate General Manager or CEO/Managing Director; or/ report directly to the Department Head if the applicant works within the public sector; or/ be a senior management consultant providing consultancy advice to client organisations at the level of Corporate General Manager or above
• 对行使行政,财务,数据采集及公共关系的下属经理实行职能权力下放,并具有最终决策权; Have the final decision making responsibility through the delegation of functional authority to several subordinate managers in a range of broader responsibilities such as administration, finance, data gathering and public relations
• 全面履行在该企业内的职能责任; Be wholly responsible for achieving his/her functional responsibilities within the organization
• 在成为最高职能经理前,具备多方面的管理经验。 Have had a proven and successful experience in a broad range of managerial responsibilities prior to being appointed to the top functional position
AIM 的评估基于对整个职业生涯的审核,但会侧重于过去三年的经历,而每个岗位体现出一个持续的管理职责和权限的加大,会有利于评估通过。
AIM 评估周期:
AIM 评估周期一般为四周(4 weeks);上诉周期:八周;评估函有效期两年。评估结果2年内可以出具电子版副本。
AIM 评估费用:
AIM 的评估费 $450 澳币,上诉费 $600 澳币。可以通过信用卡或 bank draft 支付。
AIM 要求的材料清单(过去五年内):
1. 详细的职责描述:经上司证实,公司印章,签字
2. 直接下属的简单职责描述:经上司证实,公司印章,签字
3. 公司组织结构图:经上司证实,公司印章,签字
4. 考试及格证书副本 –中学后
5. 任命书,升迁书,工资单,公司报告等
6. 如果提供公司自成立以来的收入情况和员工水平的话,文件须含董事,股东签名注册,公司注册证及其他相关证明。
递交 AIM 评估机构的申请资料都不会退回给申请人,所以递交申请时不要递交只能出具一份的原件,例如学历证书原件!
1. 简历不代表雇主证明您从事过相关职位
2. 请不要递交于管理经验无关的证书
3. 所有非英文材料都要递交原件和翻译件
4. 上诉申请费用:AUD800
5. AIM不要求 English Language Test Results
6. 管理职业工作经历很重要